          Reconciliantion meet declared a success David Thackerbaw Reconciliation meet declared a success 9 March 2007 S.H.A.N A two-day annual consultation organized by the National Reconciliation Programme (NRP) on the Thai-Burma border ended yesterday with a formal declaration of success by its programme comm 褐藻醣膠ittee chairman David Thackerbaw of Karen National Union (KNU).While the first day was spent entirely on the issues of running of the Programme, its guidelines and procedures on how projects were decided, the second day was focused on politics a 買屋nd humanitarian assistance for Burma. "The need for the opposition to be seen as a viable alternative (to the military rulers of Burma) has become paramount," Soe Pyne from the exile National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB) told the 103 par 烤肉ticipants. Dr Kyaw Nyunt of the National Council of the Union of Burma (NCUB), another panelist, also spoke in favor of enhanced concerted efforts, consolidation and cohesion among Burma's myriad exile opposition movements and alliances. "Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the CRPP ( 居酒屋Committee Representing People's Parliament) and the rest inside continue to be a staunch bulwark against the SPDC( State Peace and Development Council)," he said. "However, as they are being hamstrung at every turn, the time has come for us to carry the greater burden of responsibility." 吳哥窟The exile opposition had already met last month for Strategic Coordination and Consultation (SCC), the outcome of which was reported by Rimond Htoo of the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP). The common strategic agreement reached includes, among others: Reconfirmation of anti-military dictatorship and 襯衫 establishment of a federal union Emergence of a tripartite dialogue based on the results of the 1990 general elections Campaigning against the SPDC's 7 points roadmap at every phase Increased focus on activities on the home front Emergence of a common roadmap among the opposition Eight point guidelines for inte 居酒屋rnational humanitarian assistance "As for more details, you can refer to the New Light of Myanmar (27 February)", he quipped causing laughter among the participants. On the sidelines of the meeting, many had blamed on the inordinate number of activists who had attended the 21-23 February get-together to map out a common strategy for 信用卡代償the premature leak. "The newspaper report had also conveyed a clear cut two-point message", said one. "First, countering the statement released by the SCC and second, letting it be known that the junta has successfully planted moles among the opposition." The NRP was formed in 1999 "to bring about a peaceful transition to democracy and the establishment of G2000a Federal Union of Burma by assisting the Ethnic Nationalities in preparing for Tripartite Dialogue." It is supported by the Danish Burma Committee, Canadian Lutheran World Relief, Olof Palme International Center, Trocaire, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Burma Centrum Netherlands and Euro Burma Office. 襯衫cess  .

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